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2022 Emmy® Awards

First in-person Mid-Atlantic Emmy® Awards ceremony in three years... So re-energized by being face to face with our peers and simply hearing them say, "I see what you're doing." Thank you!

A little more than thirteen years ago, I started working with Rocky, and within the first few months we met a guy who would become our first business mentor, champion, and cheerleader. He had come from a production background and was one of the first people to see our work and say: you can do this, and you can do it big time. He became a dear friend with whom we shared so many important moments in our lives.

Nine years ago, we were pretty close to quitting… but this same guy took us to lunch and reassured Rocky and I that we were doing exactly what we were supposed to be doing. He stood by us as we climbed out of the hole we were in, and he was with us when we won our very first Emmy later that same year.

Scott was larger than life. He loved big, was so kind, never ran out of ideas, and always made me laugh. He touched so many lives in such positive ways. There’s so much more I wanted to say last night, but I’m glad I kept it together long enough to dedicate our 2022 Emmy to Scott Babashak. We miss you, Scott and we wouldn’t be who and where we are without you. Thank you for always being there for us.

2022 Emmy® Award Winner - Human Interest Category - Short Form Content

Beyond The Badge 2021: "Michael's Heroes"

Thank you for this past weekend, everyone! The recognition is inspiring, but your kind words and encouragement are just what we needed to reset and refocus for the coming year. Your support is overwhelming. We're humbled. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!



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